Mountain View Church Missions
Our mission statement at Mountain View Church reads,
“Our Love for God Leads Us to Love our World.”
We desire to love our world through the support of global missionaries
and mission service. Our primary desire is to support disciple-making
ministries in areas of the world that have little or no exposure to the
Current Missionaries:
Brian & Trish Miller in Phoenix Arizona with NOVO
Stephen and Ashley Speer in Granada Spain.
We also support various projects through one-time special gifts, mission trips, and emergency relief.
We have given to multiple places including international orphanages, work programs for impoverished young women, emergency relief for world disasters, financial support for short-term missionaries and interns, personal gifts needed for our missionary families, a vision trip to research a country for missions’ opportunities, a youth trip and a trip to encourage a missionary family.
How Can You Be Involved?
- Pray for our
missions and missionaries
- Sign up for a
prayer letter with Miller’s to stay up to date
- Subscribe to
Medical Ambassador’s update letter at the bottom of their webpage
- Send messages or
- Adopt a mission
or missionary in your Small Group
- Visit a
missionary during a vacation
- Go on a
short-term mission trip with the church
- Take the
Perspectives for the Advance of the World Christian Movement course