The Core

The core class is a great way to find out what Mountain View Church is about. In this class, we share the heart behind everything that we do.

Click on the link provided below to sign up for the next "Core" class!

Launch Form


The 8-15 people that God has strategically

and supernaturally placed in your life

for YOU to influence for Christ

Click HERE to get Tom Mercer's book on OIKOS, "8 to 15, The World Is Smaller Than You Think"

oikos n

1. extended family (Gr.)

2. a group of eight to fifteen people with whom you share life most closely, your sphere of greatest influence, your relational world

3. the most natural and common environment for evangelism to occur

4. a microcosm of the world at large, for whom God sent His Son- that they would be delivered from the bondage of sin and given fullness in Christ

The Walk

In "The Walk" we take you through the basic tenets of Christianity and what it means to be a true follower of Jesus. We will discuss topics like prayer, Bible study, and love for the lost.

Next Steps

"Next Steps" takes a second look into walking deeper with Christ. In this study we show you how to study the Bible deeper as you grow into a maturing believer.

Click HERE for printable S.O.A.P. Bible Study sheets